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Технофорум - 2015

Дата проведения: 08.12.15-10.12.15

Город: Волгоград

Организаторы: ВВЦ Регион

Рубрики: 16-я Специализированная промышленно-техническая выставка

Информационные технологии и коммуникации. Промышленные выставки.


Основные тематические разделы:

  • Промышленная автоматизация:
    • устройства подачи и перемещения
    • монтажно-сборочная техника, роботы
    • оборудование для межоперационной транспортировки
    • программное обеспечение станков, промышленных предприятий
  • Станочное оборудование и инструмент:
    • оснащение, технические средства (станки, автоматические линии, обрабатывающие центры) для предприятий
    • оборудование и технологическая оснастка для мастерских
    • инструменты ручные, электрические, пневматические, крепёжная, режущая техника
    • оборудование электро-химической, лазерной, плазменной обработки
  • Сварка:
    • оборудование и технологии для плазменной, лазерной, газопламенной сварки, резки, наплавки, электродуговой сварки металлов
    • материалы, инструмент, приспособления для сварки, резки, наплавки, напыления, пайки
    • оборудование, технологии производства сварочных материалов
    • оборудование, технологии сварки пластмасс
  • Промышленный неразрушаемый контроль:
    • ультразвуковой, магнитопорошковый, электромагнитный, инфракрасный, радиационный, электрический
    • течеискание, контроль трубопроводов
  • Приборы:
    • шестерни, зубчатые венцы, шестерёночные передачи
    • рулевые механизмы и оси
    • бесступенчатые передачи, ременные и цепные передачи
    • механизмы сцепления
    • тормоза и тормозные системы, смазочные материалы
    • принадлежности для приводной техники
    • подшипники качения, скольжения
  • Гидравлика и пневматика:
    • гидронасосы, гидроприводы, гидроклапаны, гидроагрегаты и установки
    • рабочие гидравлические жидкости, системы смазки и смазочные насосы
    • пневматические двигатели и цилиндры, пневматические клапаны
    • жидкоструйная аппаратура
    • пневматические системы управления
    • мультипликаторы, пневматические выключатели
    • трубопроводы, соединительные элементы, уплотнительные прокладки
  • Воздушно-компрессорная и вакуумная техника:
    • производство, очистка, хранение, использование и распределение сжатого воздуха
    • вакуумные установки, компоненты, насосы
    • вакуумно-измерительные устройства
  • Оборудование "Second-Hand":
    • модернизация:
      • комплексная замена, модернизация изношенных узлов
      • использование новых, унифицированных узлов станков, автоматических линий, обрабатывающих центров
      • техперевооружение и модернизация
      • вторичный рынок механизмов, станочного оборудования (модернизированного, восстановленного)
    • ремонт:
      • восстановление деталей, узлов, агрегатов
      • замена узлов, агрегатов
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    Lstrarolo [31.05.2017 19:35:23]

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    Williambug [31.05.2017 19:21:35]

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    CharlieTign [31.05.2017 18:06:36]

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    It also reminds us that we have yet to discover the secret to good healt. [url=http://kindle-free.medicsleephst.com/decitre-29-3891-la_constellation_maternelle/]Gordon HoughtonSome reviews I've received over[/url] Paisley and Corbin share an instant attraction to each other that continues to evolve from attraction to lov.
    The section on him joining Alcoholics Anonymous was told with such honestly, that I wanted to just reach through the pages and offer him a gentle, guiding han. [url=http://pdf-en-ebook.medicsleephst.com/telecharger-ebook-pdf/decitre-24-1102-la_fille_de_s%C3%A9r %C3%A9na.pdf]la fille de séréna pdf[/url] I picked up this novel for adults at a garage sale based solely on my enduring affection for A Wrinkle in Tim.
    Isn't he their family? And when the group decides to sail for home, will Turtle be left behind? Never fear, a surprise on the horizon promises friends, family, and a home at last.Uplifting and heartfelt, this is a book about the power of friendship and making a home of one's own. SubjectsTurtles -- Juvenile fictionLoneliness -- Juvenile fiction.Friendship -- Juvenile fictionAnimals -- Juvenile fictionIslands -- Juvenile fictio. [url=http://www.telecharger-des-livre-gratuit.pameladeharo.com.mx/livre-gratuit-en-ligne/decitre-33-1 028-technologie_des_m%C3%A9tiers_du_bois_tome_3_techniques_et_documents_de_fabrication_agencement_ge stion_de_production.pdf]Let me begin by saying that[/url] I received this copy from the publisher for free, in exchange for a review, through Netgalley.This is the fourth book in the Kat Redding serie.
    Rex a well-deserved time out himself, pressing him back inside his volum. [url=http://telecharger-un-livre-gratuit.seekthegoodlife.com/ebook-bit-lit-gratuit-pdf/decitre-45-106 4-quelle_%C3%A9thique_pour_la_finance_portrait_et_analyse_de_la_finance_socialement_responsable.pdf] quelle éthique pour la finance? - portrait et analyse de la finance socialement responsable pdf[/url] There were parts that I really enjoyed and found quite funny, but I think (in the series so far) Max and Ella's story was more fun.On a side note, I'm quite curious about Bianca's Snow White-inspired tale...
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    Had the administration taken its own counsel to heart, it would have been planning to wage a counterinsurgency and conduct antiterrorist operations as soon as Baghdad fell.”Page 506: “The cost to the administration’s foreign policy was considerable: instead of sending a cautioning message of American strength to Iran and North Korea, the United States was bogged down in a conflict that absorbed its military effort. [url=http://ebook-gratuit-pdf.proventusbioscience.com/telecharger-livre-epub-gratuit/decitre-41-4551- physiologie_du_sport_et_de_l%3Cbr%20/%3E_exercice.pdf]physiologie du sport et de l'exercice pdf[/url] Peter TrudgillDuring a recent inventory of our shelves, I discovered a previous edition of this boo.
    His obsession is to win back his wife, while Perdita's obsession is to win both Ricky and a place as a top class polo player. [url=http://livre-ebook-gratuit.proventusbioscience.com/pdf-to-ebook/decitre-25-3455-apports_nutritio nnels_conseill%C3%A9s_pour_la_population_fran%C3%A7aise_3%C3%A8me_%C3%A9dition.pdf]Die Geschichte ist sicherlich interessant und[/url] They missed the daily lives of the characters when they lived togethe.
    The book commemorates the journey Togo faced and the contribution he had in saving the town of Nom. [url=http://www.ebook-gratuits-pdf.pameladeharo.com.mx/livre-telecharger/decitre-31-1341-mouvements_d _%C3%A9veil_corporel_na%C3%AEtre_%C3%A0_son_corps_m%C3%A9thode_de_lib%C3%A9ration_des_cuirasses_mlc. pdf]What is interesting is that in[/url] At least for now, it appears to be on the wane in influence among national politic.
    Whether you're in Boston or in Phoenix, and whether you're a record producer or a dog groomer, the same quandaries can occur: Who goes through a revolving door first, a man or a woman? When is it polite to correct someone's mispronunciation of your name? And what if you can't see over the head of the person who has just sat in front of you at the movies? For Kate Spade, growing up in a large family required good manners, and to this day they are a natural part of her daily routin. [url=http://www.how-to-read-books-for-free-online.otakuan.com/buch-270-496-manuelle_medizin_bd_2_diag nostische_und_therapeutische_techniken_praktisch_anwenden.html]The crimes were beyond Gratuitously Disgusting;[/url] As the dominance of their kingdom spreads, threatening to engulf all of humanity, Sariel finds himself standing between his own kind and the one he loves and must embrace the life he abandoned in order to secure her freedo.
    But as time moved on, upkeep began to wane and, in the end, the house went on the marke. [url=http://telecharger-livre-gratuit.seekthegoodlife.com/telecharger-livre/decitre-17-508-tout_pour_ r%C3%A9ussir_en_droit_fiscal.pdf]tout pour réussir en droit fiscal pdf[/url] He was very adept at doing something most zombie & horror writers fail miserably at - his characters (especially his military ones) are rea.
    As a default expert on this subject, I would say that Bradley probably did NOT have trouble with bright light. [url=http://livre-audio-en-ligne-gratuit.detodoip.com/ebook-gratuit-romance-pdf/decitre-41-3819-m%C3% A9decine_transfusionnelle_le_mod%C3%A8le_fran%C3%A7ais.pdf]médecine transfusionnelle : le modèle français pdf[/url] I picked this book up because I wanted to read another red maple book and this was the only one availabl.
    Along the way, she truly fell for the king and wasn't seeking money or riche. [url=http://telecharger-ebook-gratuit-pdf.proventusbioscience.com/ebook-gratuits-pdf/decitre-8-4366-i ncompressible_flow_and_the_finite_element_method_volume_one_advection_diffusion.pdf]incompressible flow and the finite element method volume one advection-diffusion pdf[/url] It gives the strong impression that the narrative has its basis in primary research (historical documents like diaries and court records)
    Does some damage control on what Benford did to the series in the first book before it gets going but I'd give this series a pass unless you're a fanatical completionist. [url=http://telecharger-un-livre-gratuit.seekthegoodlife.com/ebook-bit-lit-gratuit-pdf/decitre-41-856 -la_preuve_p%C3%A9nale_internationalisation_et_nouvelles_technologies.pdf]i thought more could have been[/url] They acted just like I thought they would, I'm not surprised, and I can just move o.
    For me one half of this book is about Susie moaning that she can't have relationship with George but she doesn't understand why, and the second is about Susie moaning, that she can't continue the relationship with George but she doesn't know wh. [url=http://telecharger-un-livre-gratuit.seekthegoodlife.com/ebook-bit-lit-gratuit-pdf/decitre-5-1681 -le_sexisme_dans_le_livre_jeunesse.pdf]le sexisme dans le livre jeunesse pdf[/url] The story was good, but I didn't really care for the alternate ending.
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