Выставки Ростов-на-Дону

Агропромышленный Форум Юга России - 2015

Дата проведения: 03.03.15-06.03.15

Город: Ростов-на-Дону

Организаторы: ООО "ВертолЭкспо"

Рубрики: Специализированный форум

Сельское хозяйство, пищевая промышленность. Бизнес, экономика, финансы, безопасность. Автомобили, транспорт и перевозки.

Форум традиционно объединит специализированные выставки "Интерагромаш", "Агротехнологии" и обширную деловую программу.

Будут представлены достижения отечественного и зарубежного сельскохозяйственного машиностроения, разработки в области растениеводства, а также инновационные технологии в области производства и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции местными сельскохозтоваропроизводителями.

Производителям и дилерам сельскохозяйственной техники и оборудования представится возможность презентации своих проектов и предложений местным представителям аграрного сектора.

Специалисты аграрного сектора экономики смогут ознакомиться с инновациями в разных областях сельского хозяйства, которые предлагаются отечественной наукой, с современными машинами и оборудованием, новыми технологиями, сортами и породами, которые обеспечивают интенсификацию всех областей сельскохозяйственного производства.

Форум проходит при поддержке:

  • Министерства сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации
  • Министерства сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Ростовской области
  • Министерства экономического развития РО
  • Комитета Государственной Думы по аграрным вопросам
  • Комитета ТПП РФ по развитию АПК
  • Российского зернового союза
  • Российского Союза производителей химических средств защиты растений (Российский Союз производителей ХСЗР)

Основные тематические разделы:


  • Сельскохозяйственная техника (посевная, почвообрабатывающая, кормоуборочная), трактора, комбайны, спецтехника:
    • комбайны, тракторы
    • почвообрабатывающая техника
    • посевная и посадочная техника
    • мелиоративная техника и комплектующие к ней
    • уборочная техника
    • автоспецтранспорт, погрузчики и комплектующие
    • прицепы грузовые, цистерны, тележки
    • оборудование и средства механизации малых фермерских хозяйств, специнвентарь
  • Запчасти и комплектующие:
    • запчасти и комплектующие к с/х технике
    • двигатели, моторы, электрогенераторы и запчасти
    • буравы, свёрла
    • насосы, фильтры
  • Оснащение мельничных, элеваторных комплексов:
    • техника для приёмки и транспортировки
    • пневмосистемы
    • очистительное оборудование, сепараторы
    • сушильное, вентиляционное и аспирационное оборудование
    • запчасти и комплектующие к мельничному и элеваторному оборудованию
    • мини-элеваторы, малогабаритные зернохранилища, бункеры, силосы
    • мельничное оборудование, мукомольные агрегаты
  • Оборудование для диагностики, технического обслуживания и ремонта сельхозмашин:
    • смазочные материалы, масла, топливо
    • сервисные центры для АПК
    • оборудование для сервисных центров
  • Инновационные технологии, наука. Услуги для предприятий АПК:
    • кредитование и лизинг
    • консалтинговые услуги
    • страхование
    • транспортные услуги
    • подготовка кадров для села, обучение специалистов
    • строительство для АПК


  • Растениеводство:
    • научные разработки и технологии для растениеводства
    • семена
    • посадочный материал, рассада, саженцы
    • средства защиты растений
    • удобрения (минеральные и органические)
    • техника для химзащиты и внесения удобрений
    • тепличное оборудование и покрывной материал
  • Стандартизация и метрология:
    • комплексное оснащение лабораторным оборудованием
    • системы автоматизации, электронное оборудование
    • приборы для измерения температуры
    • приборы для измерения влажности
    • весовое оборудование
    • регулирующие приборы
    • приборы для определения качества, анализаторы
    • лабораторная посуда и расходные материалы для лабораторий
  • Биоэнергетика, технологии, оборудование и сырьё для производства биодизеля, биоэтанола, биогаза, технологии, оборудование и сырьё для производства древесных гранул, брикетов и пеллет:
    • сырьё для производства биотоплива
    • прессы и оборудование для производства биотоплива
    • проектирование и строительство заводов по производству биотоплива
    • автономные теплоэнергостанции на биогазе
    • переработка торфа
    • газификаторы
    • сырьё для производства и готовая продукция (щепа, древесные гранулы, брикеты, древесный уголь)
    • технологии и оборудование для измельчения, гранулирования и брикетирования
    • мини-заводы
    • технологии и оборудование для сжигания биотоплива
    • упаковка, складирование и транспортировка биотоплива
  • Корма, кормовые добавки, смеси:
    • комбикорма для с/х животных, белково-витаминные, минеральные добавки, премиксы
  • Технологии и оборудование в производстве кормов:
    • оборудование и технологии для производства кормов, мини-заводы, технологии кормления, заготовки, кормозаготовительная и кормопроизводительная техника, дробилки, дозаторы, смесители, грануляторы
  • Оборудование и технологии для животноводства и птицеводства:
    • кормосмесители, кормораздатчики, доильные залы, системы навозоудаления, инкубаторы, птицефермы, оборудование для убоя скота
    • ветеринарное и зоотехническое оборудование и инструмент
    • ветеринарные препараты, оборудование и инструменты для диагностики, профилактики и лечения заболеваний животных и птиц, ветклиники, лечебницы, системы государственного контроля
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Jameszitle [07.11.2017 12:57:40]

A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated. The fluid does not boil. (In THE UNITED STATES, the term "furnace" is normally used if the reason is never to boil the liquid.) The warmed or vaporized liquid exits the boiler for use in a variety of heating or procedures applications,[1 - [2 - including water heating, central heating, boiler-based power era, food preparation, and sanitation.

The pressure vessel of a boiler is usually made of steel (or alloy steel), or of wrought iron historically. Stainless steel, especially of the austenitic types, is not found in wetted parts of boilers due to stress and corrosion corrosion breaking.[3 - However, ferritic stainless is often used in superheater sections that won't be exposed to boiling water, and electrically heated stainless steel shell boilers are allowed under the European "Pressure Equipment Directive" for production of steam for sterilizers and disinfectors.[4 -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiler - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiler
In live steam models, copper or brass is often used since it is more fabricated in smaller size boilers easily. Historically, copper was often used for fireboxes (especially for steam locomotives), due to its better formability and higher thermal conductivity; however, in more recent times, the high price of copper often makes this an uneconomic choice and cheaper substitutes (such as metal) are used instead.

For a lot of the Victorian "age of steam", the only material used for boilermaking was the highest grade of wrought iron, with assembly by rivetting. This iron was often obtained from specialist ironworks, such as at Cleator Moor (UK), mentioned for the high quality of their rolled plate and its own suitability for high-reliability use in critical applications, such as high-pressure boilers. In the 20th century, design practice shifted towards the use of steel instead, which is stronger and cheaper, with welded construction, which is quicker and requires less labour. It ought to be observed, however, that wrought iron boilers corrode much slower than their modern-day metal counterparts, and are less susceptible to localized pitting and stress-corrosion. This makes the longevity of older wrought-iron boilers far superior to those of welded steel boilers.

Cast iron might be utilized for the heating system vessel of home water heaters. Although such heaters are usually termed "boilers" in some countries, their purpose is to produce warm water usually, not steam, and they also run at low pressure and try to avoid boiling. The brittleness of cast iron makes it impractical for high-pressure steam boilers.
Boiler Repairs Golders Green, Hampstead Garden Suburb, NW11, Boiler Breakdown Emergency Service http://boiler-repairs-golders-green.co.uk - Boiler Repairs Golders Green, Hampstead Garden Suburb, NW11, Boiler Breakdown Emergency Service!..
The source of heating for a boiler is combustion of some of several fuels, such as wood, coal, oil, or gas. Electric vapor boilers use level of resistance- or immersion-type heating system elements. Nuclear fission is also used as a heat source for generating steam, either straight (BWR) or, in most cases, in specialised heat exchangers called "steam generators" (PWR). High temperature recovery vapor generators (HRSGs) use heat rejected from other processes such as gas turbine.

Boiler efficiency
there are two solutions to gauge the boiler efficiency 1) direct method 2) indirect method

Immediate method -immediate approach to boiler efficiency test is more usable or more common

boiler efficiency =Q*((Hg-Hf)/q)*(GCV *100 ) Q =Total vapor stream Hg= Enthalpy of saturated steam in k cal/kg Hf =Enthalpy of give food to drinking water in kcal/kg q= quantity of energy use in kg/hr GCV =gross calorific value in kcal/kg like family pet coke (8200 kcal/KG)

indirect method -to measure the boiler efficiency in indirect method, we need a subsequent parameter like

Ultimate analysis of gasoline (H2,S2,S,C moisture constraint, ash constraint)
percentage of O2 or CO2 at flue gas
flue gas temperature at outlet
ambient temperature in deg c and humidity of air in kg/kg
GCV of gasoline in kcal/kg
ash percentage in combustible fuel
GCV of ash in kcal/kg
Boilers can be classified into the following configurations:

Pot boiler or Haycock boiler/Haystack boiler: a primitive "kettle" in which a open fire heats a partially filled drinking water box from below. 18th century Haycock boilers generally produced and stored large amounts of very low-pressure steam, often barely above that of the atmosphere. These could burn off wood or frequently, coal. Efficiency was suprisingly low.
Flued boiler with a couple of large flues-an early type or forerunner of fire-tube boiler.

Diagram of the fire-tube boiler
Fire-tube boiler: Here, drinking water partially fills a boiler barrel with a little volume still left above to support the steam (steam space). This is the type of boiler used in almost all steam locomotives. The heat source is inside a furnace or firebox that has to be held permanently surrounded by the water in order to keep up the heat of the heating surface below the boiling point. The furnace can be situated at one end of a fire-tube which lengthens the road of the hot gases, thus augmenting the heating surface which may be further increased by making the gases reverse direction through another parallel tube or a lot of money of multiple tubes (two-pass or come back flue boiler); on the other hand the gases may be taken along the edges and then under the boiler through flues (3-pass boiler). In case of a locomotive-type boiler, a boiler barrel expands from the firebox and the hot gases go through a bundle of fire pipes inside the barrel which greatly increases the heating system surface in comparison to a single tube and further increases heat transfer. Fire-tube boilers have a comparatively low rate of vapor creation usually, but high steam storage capacity. Fire-tube boilers mostly burn off solid fuels, but are readily adaptable to those of the gas or water variety.

Diagram of the water-tube boiler.
Water-tube boiler: In this kind, pipes filled with water are arranged in the furnace in a true number of possible configurations. Usually the drinking water tubes connect large drums, the lower ones containing water and the upper ones water and steam; in other situations, like a mono-tube boiler, drinking water is circulated by a pump through a succession of coils. This kind gives high vapor creation rates generally, but less storage space capacity than the above. Water pipe boilers can be made to exploit any temperature source and are generally preferred in high-pressure applications because the high-pressure drinking water/steam is contained within small size pipes which can withstand the pressure with a thinner wall structure.
Flash boiler: A flash boiler is a specialized kind of water-tube boiler in which pipes are close together and water is pumped through them. A flash boiler differs from the type of mono-tube vapor generator in which the pipe is permanently filled up with water. Super fast boiler, the tube is kept so hot that the water give food to is quickly flashed into steam and superheated. Flash boilers got some use in cars in the 19th century and this use continued in to the early 20th century. .

1950s design vapor locomotive boiler, from a Victorian Railways J class
Fire-tube boiler with Water-tube firebox. Sometimes both above types have been combined in the following manner: the firebox includes an set up of water pipes, called thermic siphons. The gases go through a conventional firetube boiler then. Water-tube fireboxes were installed in many Hungarian locomotives,[citation needed - but have fulfilled with little success far away.
Sectional boiler. In a solid iron sectional boiler, sometimes called a "pork chop boiler" water is contained inside solid iron sections.[citation needed - These areas are assembled on site to produce the finished boiler.
See also: Boiler explosion
To define and secure boilers safely, some professional specialized organizations like the American Society of Mechanical Technicians (ASME) develop standards and regulation rules. For instance, the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is a typical providing a wide range of rules and directives to ensure compliance of the boilers and other pressure vessels with protection, security and design standards.[5 -

Historically, boilers were a way to obtain many serious injuries and property destruction as a consequence to poorly understood engineering principles. Thin and brittle metallic shells can rupture, while welded or riveted seams could start badly, resulting in a violent eruption of the pressurized steam. When water is converted to vapor it expands to over 1,000 times its original volume and moves down steam pipes at over 100 kilometres per hour. Because of this, steam is a great way of moving energy and warmth around a niche site from a central boiler house to where it is needed, but without the right boiler give food to water treatment, a steam-raising place will suffer from range formation and corrosion. At best, this increases energy costs and can result in poor quality vapor, reduced efficiency, shorter vegetation and unreliable operation. At worst, it can lead to catastrophic reduction and failure of life. Collapsed or dislodged boiler pipes can also squirt scalding-hot steam and smoke from the air intake and firing chute, injuring the firemen who fill the coal in to the fireplace chamber. Extremely large boilers providing hundreds of horsepower to use factories could demolish entire structures.[6 -

A boiler that has a loss of feed water and it is permitted to boil dry out can be hugely dangerous. If give food to drinking water is then sent in to the unfilled boiler, the small cascade of inbound drinking water instantly boils on contact with the superheated metal shell and leads to a violent explosion that cannot be controlled even by security steam valves. Draining of the boiler can also happen if a leak occurs in the vapor source lines that is larger than the make-up drinking water source could replace. The Hartford Loop was invented in 1919 by the Hartford Vapor Boiler and INSURANCE PROVIDER as a method to assist in preventing this condition from occurring, and thus reduce their insurance promises.[7 - [8 -

Superheated steam boiler

A superheated boiler on a steam locomotive.
Main article: Superheater
Most boilers produce vapor to be utilized at saturation temp; that is, saturated steam. Superheated steam boilers vaporize the water and then further temperature the steam in a superheater. This provides vapor at higher heat, but can decrease the overall thermal efficiency of the vapor generating flower because the higher steam temperatures requires a higher flue gas exhaust temp.[citation needed - There are several ways to circumvent this problem, by providing an economizer that heats the feed water typically, a combustion air heating unit in the hot flue gas exhaust route, or both. You will find advantages to superheated steam that may, and will often, increase overall efficiency of both vapor generation and its own utilization: gains in input heat range to a turbine should outweigh any cost in additional boiler problem and expense. There may also be useful restrictions in using wet steam, as entrained condensation droplets will harm turbine blades.

Superheated steam presents unique safety concerns because, if any operational system component fails and allows steam to flee, the high temperature and pressure can cause serious, instantaneous harm to anyone in its path. Since the escaping steam will initially be completely superheated vapor, detection can be difficult, although the intense heat and sound from such a leak obviously indicates its presence.

Superheater operation is similar to that of the coils on an fresh air conditioning unit, although for a different purpose. The vapor piping is directed through the flue gas route in the boiler furnace. The temperatures in this field is typically between 1,300 and 1,600 °C (2,372 and 2,912 °F). Some superheaters are radiant type; that is, they absorb high temperature by radiation. Others are convection type, absorbing high temperature from a liquid. Some are a combination of the two types. Through either method, the extreme warmth in the flue gas route will also temperature the superheater steam piping and the vapor within. While the temperatures of the vapor in the superheater increases, the pressure of the steam will not and the pressure remains exactly like that of the boiler.[9 - Almost all steam superheater system designs remove droplets entrained in the steam to prevent damage to the turbine blading and associated piping.

Supercritical steam generator

Boiler for a charged power herb.
Main article: Supercritical steam generator
Supercritical steam generators are used for the production of electric power frequently. They operate at supercritical pressure. As opposed to a "subcritical boiler", a supercritical vapor generator operates at such a higher pressure (over 3,200 psi or 22 MPa) that the physical turbulence that characterizes boiling ceases that occurs; the fluid is liquid nor gas but a super-critical fluid neither. There is absolutely no era of steam bubbles within water, because the pressure is above the critical pressure point of which vapor bubbles can develop. As the fluid expands through the turbine stages, its thermodynamic state drops below the critical point as it can work turning the turbine which converts the power generator that power is eventually extracted. The fluid at that point may be considered a mixture of steam and liquid droplets as it goes by in to the condenser. This results in less fuel use and therefore less greenhouse gas production slightly. The word "boiler" should not be used for a supercritical pressure vapor generator, as no "boiling" occurs in this device.
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Boiler fittings and accessories
Pressuretrols to regulate the vapor pressure in the boiler. Boilers generally have two or three 3 pressuretrols: a manual-reset pressuretrol, which functions as a protection by setting the upper limit of steam pressure, the operating pressuretrol, which controls when the boiler fires to maintain pressure, and for boilers equipped with a modulating burner, a modulating pressuretrol which settings the amount of fire.
Basic safety valve: It is used to relieve pressure and prevent possible explosion of a boiler.
Water level indications: They show the operator the amount of fluid in the boiler, also known as a sight glass, water gauge or water column.
Bottom level blowdown valves: They offer a means for removing solid particulates that condense and lay on the bottom of the boiler. As the name implies, this valve is situated straight on underneath of the boiler usually, and is occasionally opened up to use the pressure in the boiler to drive these particulates out.
Constant blowdown valve: This allows a small quantity of water to flee continuously. Its purpose is to avoid the water in the boiler becoming saturated with dissolved salts. Saturation would lead to foaming and cause drinking water droplets to be transported over with the steam - a condition known as priming. Blowdown is also often used to monitor the chemistry of the boiler water.
Trycock: a kind of valve that is often use to manually check a liquid level in a tank. Most commonly entirely on a water boiler.
Flash tank: High-pressure blowdown enters this vessel where the vapor can 'flash' safely and become used in a low-pressure system or be vented to atmosphere while the ambient pressure blowdown moves to drain.
Automatic blowdown/continuous heat recovery system: This technique allows the boiler to blowdown only when make-up water is flowing to the boiler, thereby transferring the maximum amount of heat possible from the blowdown to the make-up water. No flash container is normally needed as the blowdown discharged is near to the temp of the make-up water.
Hand openings: These are metal plates installed in openings in "header" to permit for inspections & installation of tubes and inspection of inner surfaces.
Vapor drum internals, some screen, scrubber & cans (cyclone separators).
Low-water cutoff: It is a mechanical means (usually a float switch) that can be used to turn from the burner or shut down fuel to the boiler to prevent it from running once the water moves below a certain point. If a boiler is "dry-fired" (burnt without drinking water in it) it can cause rupture or catastrophic failing.
Surface blowdown range: It offers a way for removing foam or other light-weight non-condensible chemicals that tend to float together with water inside the boiler.
Circulating pump: It is designed to circulate water back again to the boiler after they have expelled a few of its heat.
Feedwater check valve or clack valve: A non-return stop valve in the feedwater range. This can be installed to the side of the boiler, below water level just, or to the very best of the boiler.[10 -
Top feed: Within this design for feedwater injection, water is fed to the top of the boiler. This may reduce boiler fatigue caused by thermal stress. By spraying the feedwater over a series of trays the water is quickly warmed and this can reduce limescale.
Desuperheater pipes or bundles: Some pipes or bundles of pipes in water drum or the steam drum designed to cool superheated vapor, in order to provide auxiliary equipment that will not need, or may be damaged by, dry vapor.
Chemical injection line: A connection to add chemicals for controlling feedwater pH.
Steam accessories
Main vapor stop valve:
Steam traps:
Main vapor stop/check valve: It is utilized on multiple boiler installations.
Combustion accessories
Energy oil system:energy oil heaters
Gas system:
Coal system:
Soot blower
Other essential items
Pressure gauges:
Feed pumps:
Fusible plug:
Inspectors test pressure gauge attachment:
Name dish:
Registration dish:

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